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MTB Barbacoa Tour con Waldwiesel Jürgen 25 Minutos en HD Indoor Cycling Mountainbike Indoor Cycling Videos

La mejor manera de empezar una semana laboral es ir al trabajo por un camino que atraviese el parque en una bicicleta de montaña.
Pasear en bicicleta de esta manera reduce drásticamente el riesgo a que me roben mi bicicleta.

Participantes: 22 


Connection problems? Start the game, then start connection check to see the details.

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You can also ask for help in our Facebook group. You are not alone!

Power Tuning

You can fine-tune power response of Ambalco game. The matter is Ambalco counts only your cadence, it has no clue about the resistance level you set on your bike. So the power measurements can be out of sync. For example, at candence 70rpm Ambalco typically shows power level about 75wt and the speed of 20km/h. At the same time, your bike can be set to high resistance level and it shows 25km/h at the same cadence rate of 70. No problems! Just set 120% power gain using this slider.

Sensor ambalco
el móvil   
en tu pierna   
o simplemente
en tu bolsillo
Videos desde BikeTube
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en el bolsillo
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