The app that made my day is app of the day. There'
You can enjoy Ambalco cycling game right there on
We are totally different. Zwift is your coach, GET
Extreme weather in the whole world right now
We’ve got all the tips you need to have the trip o
When the sport event slot is booked, no more meani
Wherever you travel, your bike is your friend.
The most beautiful roads are here. Charming Island
Biking is 0% emissions, 100% emotion. And it's ano
Sharp turns, narrow road, crazy speed and tough co
For BMX riders, #bmxordie is all about living for
Indoor cycling game workouts can be exported to St
The fastest indoor cycling game setup in the whole
For Valentine's day, he gave me Chocolate Powerbar
It doesn't matter how many people are watching whe
Spotted @sarkanice
Just like it supposed to be: free unlimited entert
At least half of the day you work for the dead peo
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Minimal weignt? No! Clipless pedals? No! The secre
Indoor cycling made cool. Again.
Too much rain and hail even for tough guys - first
Some of the tires I’ve tried, got warn out and pro
Try this at home!
Easy to measure, not-so-easy to change. But it's p
Some things are build to last. If not - rebuild!
It's not in China, and it's not Tour de France.
The robo-bike is here.

Get off the ground! You can be a hero just like your favorite Hollywood star!
Nowadays we love to watch heroes like Wonder Woman, Spider-Man… even Ant-Man! But do we live with the same spirit of these heroes? For most of us, the closest we get to being like Spider-Man is swinging through the drive-thru and picking up a combo meal featuring Spidey on the cup. Modern life has become too predictable and too comfortable. Being a hero is all about leaving your comfort zone so you can grow and inspire others.
Would you believe that you can be a hero just by signing up? That’s right! You can be a hero by trying a bike race, fun run or triathlon for the first time! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Going from the couch to the concrete is called leaving your comfort zone, which makes you a hero. Go ahead and buy yourself a spandex suit. You know you want one.
But you wouldn’t be a hero without an enemy, right? Everybody has one. The truth is, your enemy is inside. It’s that voice in your head that tells you something is too hard… you just can’t do it. If you choose to try an active event, you are showing that voice whose boss! Make sure you gradually train up for any active event. Consider those hours of sweat and tears as your trials. Every hero must face them!

Always give yourself adequate time to train for an active event.
Like in any good superhero movie, the enemy will seek to undo you at your weakest point. Runners and cyclists call it “hitting the wall” or feeling like you just can’t go on. This is part of the hero’s experience. You have to go through the tough stuff to realize you are just as tough. When you cross that finish line, you deliver the final punch and turn that negative voice into noise!
No matter who you are, you can be a hero! Maybe you’ve never stepped out of your comfort zone, or maybe you’ve stepped back into it recently and forgotten how to get out. Just take the first step and keep going. Being a hero is really that simple. It won’t be easy, but the feeling of beating that voice in your head… that’s epic!
Remember to upload your heroic cycling videos on, so you can share your success and inspire others too!
Phil Garbrecht
Phil Garbrecht is an Advertising Copywriting Ninja. His writing jutsu includes video scripts, content writing, copywriting, SEO and more. Phil’s portfolio comprises innovative companies in fields such as health, technology, education and entertainment.
A true Californian at heart, Phil spends his free time writing screenplays seen by millions at the appMink youtube channel and soaking up the sun. To see more of his work, please visit:
The app that made my day is app of the day. There'
You can enjoy Ambalco cycling game right there on
We are totally different. Zwift is your coach, GET
Extreme weather in the whole world right now
We’ve got all the tips you need to have the trip o
When the sport event slot is booked, no more meani
Wherever you travel, your bike is your friend.
The most beautiful roads are here. Charming Island
Biking is 0% emissions, 100% emotion. And it's ano
Sharp turns, narrow road, crazy speed and tough co
For BMX riders, #bmxordie is all about living for
Indoor cycling game workouts can be exported to St
The fastest indoor cycling game setup in the whole
For Valentine's day, he gave me Chocolate Powerbar
It doesn't matter how many people are watching whe
Spotted @sarkanice
Just like it supposed to be: free unlimited entert
At least half of the day you work for the dead peo
Tons of videos gamified by our users
Minimal weignt? No! Clipless pedals? No! The secre
Indoor cycling made cool. Again.
Too much rain and hail even for tough guys - first
Some of the tires I’ve tried, got warn out and pro
Try this at home!
Easy to measure, not-so-easy to change. But it's p
Some things are build to last. If not - rebuild!
It's not in China, and it's not Tour de France.
The robo-bike is here.