BMX or Die Personality Quiz

For BMX riders, #bmxordie is all about living for the thrill. Strap in and try our quiz to determine if you live the BMX or Die way! If you answer yes to at least 3 of 4 questions, you're among the craziest and happiest people (somehow) alive.
1) Does danger turn you on?
“YES!” you scream? You're not alone! BMX or Die believers are not satisfied by anything else. Their job, Playstation, even their pet Pit Bull aren't exciting enough. Sure, Sparkles brings the newspaper to you in bed, but only BMX gets you out of bed!
If you said no, you might be better suited to other sports, like Inner Tube Water Polo. The thrills come slow and the 360 spins… even slower.
2) Does your flight response work the opposite way it’s supposed to?
“OH YEAH!” you yell? If you see a massive ramp and speed TOWARDS it, you could be a little screwy in the head... but there's a great chance you live BMX or Die too!
Nope? If you run FROM danger, you might have a few more years ahead of yourself than the rest of us. More time to pick up BMX in old age!
3) Have you broken more bones than you knew existed?
“RRGH,” you utter from the hospital bed? Congrats! You are making the most of those health insurance payments and crazy BMX or Die ideas in your head.
No? What are you using all those bones for, anyways?
4) Do you terrify your Mom? (Apologies in advance, Mom).
“F@$# YES!” you say? Then thank her for putting up with you and your BMX or Die ways! It's not easy raising a daredevil, but you wouldn't have it any other way and Mama knows that.
If not, kudos to you! But no BMX or Die points!
Thank you for taking our quiz. Whatever your results are, give your mom a hug and get out there to live the BMX or Die way!
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